Feedback Ceilidh na Gaidhlig
Maggie July 05, 2016

Cabraich have had the support of many people for the monthly all Gaelic event Ceilidh na Gaidhlig.

Ceilidh na Gaidhlig included two plays, many stories, songs and poetry in Seallam, Bragar and Arnol venue Grinneabhat, The Hut Back with support on the night from Comunn na Gaidhlig and Back Choir and Taigh Tasgaidh nan Eilean with support on the night from Mod nan Eilean 2016.

The plan was to run the monthly events in different venues up till June 2016 and then evaluate feedback.

Feedback so far : Gaelic learners valued the opportunity to be immersed in the language, the singers,actors, musicians and story teller had a ball, and audiences had a great night of entertainment.Also some of the feedback has resulted in the following daytime events:

Thursday 21st July Ness Lunch Club , August venue /group tbc, September venue/group tbc and Thursday 6th October the Young at Heart Club at the Clan MacQuarrie Hall in Borve.

The plays and stories will be there and any of our performers who can give of their time during the day to come and give us a song or tune or two, will be more than welcome.

The plan for winter 2016-17? Well again it depends on the feedback from the artistes and the audience…..

Many thanks to all our supporters and Bòrd na Gàidhlig for funding for venue hire and travel costs and the motley crew that give of their free time to make it happen.

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